These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.

Given a valid MeritTemplate ID, a valid Field ID, and new information for the FieldSetting, edits the FieldSetting and returns the updated FieldSetting.

Error Codes

cannot_edit_access_merittemplate: FieldSettings for Access MeritTemplates are not editable.
cannot_make_optional_field_required: Optional Fields cannot be made required if a value exists for it on any Merit.
cannot_use_field_value_for_all_merits: Fields cannot have their values used for all Merits if a value for it exists on any Merit.
cannot_edit_field_settings: FieldSettings cannot be edited on archived or deleted MeritTemplates.
cannot_remove_recipient_name_field: The Recipient Name Field cannot be removed from MeritTemplates.
cannot_remove_required_field: Required Fields cannot be removed from MeritTemplates once the MeritTemplate has been used.
invalid_fullname_value: A value provided for a FullName Field was not able to be parsed as a FullName.
max_number_of_fields_exceeded: This change would cause the number of fields on this MeritTemplate to exceed the maximum allowed.

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