Creates a MeritTemplate for an Org using information about the MeritTemplate and returns the MeritTemplate.

Error Codes

merittemplate_title_length_exceeded: The title provided for the MeritTemplate is longer than the maximum allowed length.
merittemplate_description_length_exceeded: The description provided for the MeritTemplate is longer than the maximum allowed length.
merittemplate_title_cannot_be_empty: The MeritTemplate title must not be empty.
merittemplate_description_cannot_be_empty: The MeritTemplate description must not be empty.
field_empty_error: A text Field did not have a value provided.
field_max_length_exceeded: A value provided for a Field was longer than the maximum length for that Field type.
invalid_fullname_value: A value provided for a FullName Field was not able to be parsed as a FullName.
max_number_of_fields_exceeded: This MeritTemplate would have more than the maximum allowed number of Fields associated with it.

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